DETROIT, MIGHIGAN Everyone knows about street racing, and about the downsides of legal punishment and possibly dangerous consequences for both drivers and spectators. In a recent series of unexpected events the street racers decended on a place just south of Detroit at Milan Dragway. They took the place by storm, coming in the thousands on a cool October Saturday night. The track management opened the gates and turned on the lights, and let them run in a "barely legal" clash of street renegades, and they called it the "No ET Nationals".
All night... til almost 2 in the morning these street racers put their stuff on the track- hour after hour of big money grudge races, without the law breathing down their necks. They wisely made use of a quality facility with concrete guardwalls instead of human guardrails, and a quality racing surface compared to some backstreet with potholes. These street racers are used to a guy dropping his arms to start the race, and many did just that and ignored the "christmas tree". Muscle cars with monster big blocks on nitrous, turbocharged cafe racers, and even cycle vs. car matchups kept the crowd right at the guard wall right next to the action !!! Good thing that concrete does not give an inch, and several drivers found out the hard way...
Over 2 1/2 hours of raw street racing action from multiple camera angles gives you the best seat in the house.